What Your Savings Should Include
Non-Qualified (Non 401k) Plans

What Your Savings Should Include

- Consistent, High Dividend Returns - High Gains with no risk
- Competes with inflation
- Contribute regardless of the amount of income you earn
- Liquid Cash for your Investments
- Access to your money at any time without penalties/taxes/limitations
- Is not market Contingent
- Is fully protected for every cent saved (not limited like the FDIC)
- Has no Limit as to what you can contribute
- Creates a separate emergency fund that you can access free of penalty
- Compliments existing strong investments and raises your net worth
- Comprehensive approach to all of your finances and Percentage of Liquidity
- Escapes current taxes and future tax increases
- Allows you to be both diversified and tax diversified
- Puts your money on a timeline in accordance with your personal financial goals